About Us

Who are we?
Husband & wife duo Jesse & Amy have been in the 'making' scene for around 2 years with their project Custom Steel Appeal. In this time they have had to overcome several of these issues being a small startup with very little capital in a competitive environment.
When they attended markets for their own products, they kept hearing the same issues from other vendors - limited options for small quantities, low quality of service & long turnaround times.
With the specialised machinery that they used in Custom Steel Appeal they had started fielding requests from other makers for small orders on demand in our local area. In an effort to streamline the process and make it available for a wider audience Maker Supplies was born.
Jesse has a flair for finding efficiency within logistics systems from over 15 years of delivering high-end IT and AV projects. He works on the front line as the manufacturer, working hard to create and stock each item in our store. Amy works behind the scenes making sure everything runs smoothly in customer service, admin, marketing, website maintenance and packaging (a Jack-of all trades).
When Jesse and Amy are not preoccupied with work, they are busy creating memories with their two beautiful boys.
Maker Supplies aim in future to provide easy access to products and services to suit a wide variety of niche craft and hobbies of all types. If you have found it difficult in acquiring a small quantity of an essential product - let us know! If we can get enough interest we would be happy to research stocking & supplying this for you.